Frequently Asked Question

Jak spustit SmartPSS jako běžný uživatel, když chce administrátorský přístup
Last Updated 28 days ago

  1. Log into the User Account you wish to use SmartPSS on.
  2. On the desktop, right-click and select New > Shortcut.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. Navigate to SmartPSS.exe and select it. Click OK.
    This is commonly located at located at C:\Program Files\Smart Professional Surveillance System\SmartPSS.
  5. Add runas /user:ComputerName\AdminUsername /savecred to the start of the file path.
  6. Replace AdminUsername with the username of the administrator account found in Step 1.
  7. Replace ComputerName with the Device Name found in Step 2.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Name the Shortcut, then click Finish.

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